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Our Vendors

Click on a company name below for more information. 

Farmers & Growers 

Hilario Alvarez - Alvarez Farms

Alvarez Organic Farms has been in the agriculture business for well over 30 years.
In those same years much of the small, environmentally friendly family farms have morphed
into large-scale agribusinesses, without regard on the adverse environmental effects.
Being certified organic for over 20 years, sustainable agriculture is one thing that
the Alvarez Family has embedded into their farming tradition.

Alvarez Farms

Jeff McElhose - Antique Rose Farm

Antique Rose Farm

Jose Bautista - Bautista Farms

Bautista Farms

Sheryl Watts - Carnation Farms

Carnation Farms is a nonprofit organization on a mission to transform the way that people want to eat. We celebrate delicious and nutritious food produced in a sustainable manner by providing inspirational and educational experiences that positively affect the health, the environment, and local economies. We develop the next generation of food citizens and grow new farmers.

Carnation Farms

Jay and Yeng Cha - Cha's Farm

Cha's Farm

Brian and Calvin Collins - Collins Family Orchards

Collins Family Orchards is located in Selah, WA. Calvin Collins, a third generation farmer,
uses his 40+ years of experience to evaluate new farming techniques and varieties.
His priority is to implement the best farming practices to keep his trees and his land healthy,
productive, and sustainable. We are continuously in search of more perfect fruit,
and we test new varieties each year by grafting and planting in an experimental block in the orchard.
To earn their keep, new fruit must grow well in our climate and taste great!
We're eager to bring our fruit to market, but we don't rush to pick it.
Fruit does not come off the tree until it is ripe and ready, at the peak of flavor!

Collins Family Orchards

Alex Meizlish - Ecolibrium Farms

We at Ecolibrium, work to bring people closer to themselves, each other, and
nature. We strive to balance our human environment, culture and natural ecosystems
through education, ecological farming practices and community collaboration.

We help families and organizations weave local agriculture, and sustainable principles
into the fabric of their lives. Our farm stands at the crossroads of wellness,
community building, and responsible land stewardship. We grow food so that our
community will have access to certified organic, nutritious, delicious ingredients
that make their families healthier and happier. Learn more about our principles,
and farm at or just #FindEcolibrium.

Ecolibrium Farms

Angelica Hayton - Hayton Farms

Hayton Farms

Chue Cha - Ia's Garden

Ia's Garden

Kao lee Cha - Kaolee Cha Garden

Kaolee Cha Garden

Steve Hoskin - Hoskins Greenhouse

Hoskins Greenhouse

Leon Hussey - KIS Farms

Keep It Simple or “KIS” was founded and created by Leon and Linda Hussey in 2002 after selling Classic Nursery and Landscape Co.,
retail nursery and landscape company that Leon and Linda owned for over 18 years.

KIS Farm began its planning in the summer of 2011 and officially opened its doors June 17th, 2012.
Our vision was to be a one-stop shop for all things organic.

KIS Farms

Mark Klemmedson - Klems Greenhouse Inc.

Klems Greenhouse Inc.

Lauren Ornstein - Lauristo Nursery

Lauristo Nursery

Lee,Ricky,Alice Thor - Lee Thor Garden

Lee Thor Garden

Cha Doua Lor - Lor Cha Doua

Lor Cha Doua

Tovias Magana - Magana Farms

Magana Farms

Terri Martin - Martin Family Orchards

Martin Family Orchards started in 1986 with 3 acres of Red-Gold Nectarines located in Cashmere, Washington.
Since then it has grown to over 90 acres of Bing and Rainier Cherries, 6 varieties of Peaches, Red-Gold and
Independent Nectarines, Perfection Apricots, Bartlett and D’Anjou Pears, Gala and Fuji Apples, a variety of Tomatoes,
Squash, and Peppers. Martin Family Orchards is a family run business with all three of Rick and Terri’s sons (Ricky Jr., Jamie and Jonny)
involved in the day to day operations. It's their goal to provide families in Washington with the highest quality,
tree-ripened fruit they have ever tasted.

Martin Family Orchards

Mee/Xe Vang/Chang - Mee Garden

Mee Garden

Nelson Dalaguiado - Nelson Dalaguiado

Nelson Dalaguiado

Chuekai Chasengnou - New Life Garden

New Life Garden

Aaron Varadi - Organic Farm School

We Teach Future Farmers - At the Organic Farm School, we give farmers a strong foundation
in a broad range of skills so they can achieve their unique farm goals.

Organic Farm School

Doua Chang - Pa Garden

Pa Garden

Roberto Guerrero - R/P Guerrero Farm

Roberto Guerrero , sr. ( founder and grower) started R/P Guerrero farm in 2007. They obtained it's organic certification in 2009. We currently grow cherries, asparagus, apples, peaches, prunes, plums, nectarines, apricots, tomatillos, peppers, pears and onions. The farm is a fruit supplier to PCC, OGC, and Full Circle. Roberto is assisted by his younger son, Jesus Guerrero (high school teacher in Moses Lake). Both son and father can be seeing side by side on any given summer. We also sell at Issaquah farmers market and Lake Forest park. Son, Jesus started its fresh homemade salsa business in 2009 and it's available at the markets where we sell.

R/P Guerrero Farm

Mike & Joanie Shriver - Rents Due Ranch

Rents Due Ranch

Bill Schmidt - Schmidt Blueberry Farm

Schmidt’s Blueberry Farm is a family owned farm since 1965. On 17 acres, we farm 4 acres of blueberries. Bill and Susie have lived on the farm for 40 years. They produce between 20 and 25 thousand pounds per year, depending on the weather and any problem that may arise with the fruit. Their son Kyle is purchasing the farm this year and Bill and Susie will continue running it. He hopes to change over to organic in the next few years. They are excited about the future of Schmidt’s Blueberry Farm for the future!

Schmidt Blueberry Farm

Nate Youngquist - Sky Harvest Produce

Sky Harvest Produce

Cindy and Brent Rappuhn - Sky Valley Family Farm

Our farm is wonderfully located 40 miles northeast of Seattle in Startup. Brent’s family has farmed here since 1900. In 1989, Brent and Cindy both quit teaching and moved back to the area to continue farming. David, our oldest, joined us fulltime after graduating from Western. Our fields are certified organic and our animals are raised with pasturing as the basis. Our goal is to produce optimally healthy and tasty meats and eggs because of the quality forage the animals consume. Currently we raise pork, turkeys and meat chickens all seasonally and duck and chicken eggs year round.

Sky Valley Family Farm

Will Lockmiller - Sno-Valley Mushrooms

Sno-Valley Mushrooms

Duane,Vicky Heine - Sunflower Farm

Sunflower Farm

Dean Swanson - Swanson Family Farm

Our diversified family farm is over 94 years old. A fifth generation of farm kids play, plant, tend and harvest crops and care for animals.We don't do it alone. The Sanchez family has co managed it along with us. Lupe and Ofelia and daughter Mary Cruz are up at the crack of dawn picking what is in season and tending to the crops. We finally have our corn ripe! In the old days folks picked corn and ran in the house to a boiling pot of water because it became so starchy.You don't have to do that. Old timers planted once and harvested until they couldn't eat the tough cob. We plant every 10 days so our ears are always young and tender.

Swanson Family Farm

Claire Thomas - The Root Connection

The Root Connection is the oldest CSA on the west coast. Started in 1986, we grow all the chemical-free vegetables for our CSA and a good selection of produce for the farmer’s market. We grow our own veggie starts and tomato plants from seed, using varieties that perform well at our farm, so they do well in NW gardens. We are located in the Sammamish Valley, just north of Redmond and love visitors! Check our website for address and hours.

The Root Connection

Kurt Tonnemaker - Tonnemaker Brothers Inc.

The Tonnemaker family grows more than 400 varieties of certified organic fruit and vegetables on a 126-acre orchard located on the north slope of the Frenchman Hills near Royal City, Washington. They provide fresh, tasty fruit and vegetables grown in a sustainable way and sold at affordable prices. The Tonnemaker family believes that healthy, organic food should be priced within the reach of consumers.

Tonnemaker Brothers Inc.

Dwaine Weideman - Twin Rivers Farms

Twin Rivers Farms

Youa Her Lor - Youa Her & Kaying's Garden

Youa Her & Kaying's Garden
Artisan Crafts

Anne Dziok - ADZ Art Designs

Through art I hope to bring a little whimsy and joy into the world.
With various mediums, new, re-purposed and found items I enjoy creating
artful items for the home and garden. I am inspired by bright colors, nature and stories.
When I see objects such as cigar boxes, trays or tiles I imagine them in a new life,
and then make it happen.
The unexpected can be the most fun!

ADZ Art Designs

Monica Cielesz - Aurora 21 Designs

After a devastating house fire destroyed her leatherworking tools,
Monica Cielesz decided to take time off and came across fire painted copper art.
After falling in love with the medium, she spent countless hours learning to produce the
vibrant colors on the copper using a torch. She continued to explore this medium to produce
stunning pieces inspired by her love of the equine spirit and by Washington's natural beauty.

Aurora 21 Designs

Tom Williams - Bayview Welding & Art

Tom Williams creates unique, original art for the home and garden. His artistic tools are a little different from what some of us might be used to - instead of a paintbrush or pen, Tom uses a cutting torch, grinder and welder. Tom has combined 40 years of metal trades experience with his art. He made the transition to full time artist in the Spring of 2011. The majority of his work is decorative and functional-to be used outside the home or in the garden. He's raising the bar on the quality of metal art sold at farmers markets and craft fairs with prices most people can afford.

Bayview Welding & Art

Alisha Brown - Bear Creek Hardwoods

Our passion at Bear Creek Hardwoods is providing the finest handmade products and utilizing the best sustainable solid hardwood the Northwest and the Nation has to offer. Our current focus is Bowls, Platters and Tables. It’s not our goal to craft furniture and decor that fits every home or office but it IS to design, build and craft pieces that are perfect for YOUR ‌home or office. We neither stock nor mass-produce and you will never find the use of stain on any of our products, we adore the natural beauty of grain.

Bear Creek Hardwoods, where every piece is a true original...yours.

Bear Creek Hardwoods

Robert Pearson - Bob Pearson Images

I enjoy photography, beach combing and gardening.Putting all three together seems natural. I produce enhanced close-up pictures of natural objects, including minerals, flowers and shells etc.

All the images I produce depend entirely upon the marvelous interactions between sunlight and natural objects. I often find unexpected complexity in form and color, as every photographer does. I enjoy exploring the myriad of possibilities and teasing out hidden wonders. Beauty truly is everywhere.

Bob Pearson Images

Lynn Paietta - Bonsai by Lin

Bonsai has been my passion for 22 years. I've haunted the nurseries, gone on collecting trips and can't resist starting cuttings and seedlings. I find working with these trees in miniature rewarding, relaxing and a challenge. In 2003, I was chosen, with 9 other applicants from across the US, to compete in the 'Joshua Roth New Talent' competition. In 2007 & 2008, I studied bonsai with a Bonsai Master, Michael Hagadorn. Since then, I have taken many workshops from other Bonsai Masters. I show some of my personal bonsai collection at Sakuricon, Aki Matsuri. As a board member of the Puget Sound Bonsai Association, I get many opportunities to grow in skill and knowledge in the art of bonsai.

Bonsai by Lin

Marilyn Rank - By Marilyn

My ultimate goal is to create a beautiful bag that is not only fashionable, but unique and functional. I love the entire process of crafting these bags. Each one is designed and completely handmade by me. I take meticulous care and pride in all my work and consider all my bags a labor of love. My newest love is repurposing men’s suits into stylish bags that have a unique sense of character and personality. I consider these and all my bags a piece of art to wear on your arm and enjoy.

By Marilyn

Ed Buell - Copper Salmon Northwest

Ed Buell has lived in the Puget Sound area for over sixty years now, and is lucky enough to be living in the house that his grandparents built in 1931. A couple years ago, Ed found sheets of copper that were left over from the house gutters. He thought to himself, "I've always wanted a copper salmon on my wall". So he broke out the snips and a hammer, and before he knew it he had his first copper salmon on the wall. Ed loved it and loves working with copper. His creations are constantly evolving and he can't wait to see what comes next.

Copper Salmon Northwest

Terri Quale - Country at Heart Designs

Hello, I am Terri Quale of Country At Heart Designs. I love being an artist at this market! My daughter, Krista Jefferson, of Wild and Whimsical, is an artist here too. It’s a family affair! I’m often referred to as “the placemat lady” and make reversible placemats (like two for the price of one!), napkins, wine bottle gift bags and wall hangings. I make a quality product and prewash my fabrics in warm water. I also do decorative painting on wood and metal items such as watering cans, bird houses, mirrors, welcome signs, planters and so much more!

Country at Heart Designs

Kathleen Curington - Crayons

Life is - using the whole box of crayons. Crayons have been a big force in my life for a long time. I am a retired Montessori teacher and had many craft projects with my class. After retiring I discovered anew the joy finding my passion for felt and hand-sewn items. I make items for home décor. These include pillows, wall hangings, penny rugs, and table runners. I also do custom work. Come see me and the haunted houses for Halloween.


Deirdre Hernandez - CushArm

Relaxing, Supportive, Comfort For Your Workspace

For your Office at home or at work you will Love our CushArm Product suite.

* Unique Variety of Laptop, Computer Arm, Wrist, Elbow Supports. All made with Soft Cotton Washable Removable Covers and our Lightweight 100% Organic Buckwheat Hull filling. Two options available in the CushArm and CushArm Mini.

* Spa Relaxation Neck Wraps filled with Flaxseed- Great for Relaxing after a long day.

* Supportive Backrests for your Workspace Chair filled with Flaxseed to allow for heat or freeze.


Christy Decker - Decker Jewelry

I design and create all my jewelry myself. I have been a full time jeweler in Seattle for over 15 years. I currently work in sterling, bronze, and rhodium. Many people know my “ear art”, jewelry that threads through your ear and sits sideways. Most of my jewelry is organic and inspired by nature. I also carry pounded hammered hoops and initial jewelry. These are excellent gifts. My work is worn by a wide range of women and I would love to help you find the perfect piece. Please stop by my booth and say hello.

Decker Jewelry

Nirvan Hope - Earth Rhythms Photography

Beautiful colorful photography from the natural world of the Pacific Northwest to brighten the walls of your home or your office, or for a gift. Several sizes of prints, some with mats, some without. A huge selection of handmade greeting cards for every occasion.

Earth Rhythms Photography

Peter Godwin - Forest Green Enterprises

Forest Green Enterprises specializes in casting concrete art for the garden and home.
Pete’s art is inspired by his love for architecture and his English heritage. The English believe that a Greenman brings good luck to your garden!
We offer unique organic patinas developed in the Northwest and all of our products are sealed. Each cast piece is unique due to the natural variation in the casting process.

Check our website for future show locations or email us at

Forest Green Enterprises

Larry Snyder - Fotoitaliana


Fedor Zubanov - Game of Colors

We're a young family-owned company. My wife had a dream to make fused glass items for home decoration.
I decided to fulfill her dream and bought a kiln for glass fusing. It was the beginning...
Then we opened Games of Colors. Now we have two large kilns, special equipment for glass sanding and polishing,
a huge variety of glass molds and can produce various products for ourselves, for our friends and for you.
We love every item crafted in our studio and hope you love them as well. ​So, bring the Games of Colors to Your House!

Game of Colors

Martha Tyler - Gone To Seed

This will be my 28th season at the market. My main focus these days is personalized hand stamped jewelry.
I work with sterling silver, 14 kt. gold filled and Swarovski crystals.

Do you have a special date, a beloved pet, kids’ names, nana, or a favorite inspirational word?
I’ll do a design and tailor it just for you.
This is “custom work” at it’s best and I love designing individual, one-of-a-kind pieces.
Come see me in booth 2 and
Let’s Stamp Your Story!

Gone To Seed

Erica Bouchard - Industrial Effect

In the beginning of 2016, I started selling industrial style décor online. At that time,
it was only a hobby, but little did I know it would turn into what it is today.
In early 2017 I opened Industrial Effect LLC, and now have sold and shipped my products
to 9 different countries and 45 U.S. States. (& Counting!)
I offer a number of different shelving and industrial style designs on my website.
However, my favorite is creating custom pieces. It allows me to exercise my creativity,
which has always been one of my strengths.

Industrial Effect

Jesse Kelly - Jesse Kelly Glass

Jesse Kelly began as an 18 year old apprentice at a Seattle production studio. In years since, he has worked with inspiring glass artists, both locally and abroad. Jesse has been a member of Italian master glass artist Lino Tagliapietra’s team, studied at the Pilchuck Glass School, and has taught glassblowing at the Pratt Fine Arts Center. Over the years, Jesse’s appreciation and passion for glass has continued to grow. He draws inspiration from the icons of his childhood and from meaningful life experiences, which he strives to translate into his glasswork.

Jesse Kelly Glass

Laurie Mortinson - Laurie Mortinson

Laurie Mortinson

Carlos Jimenez - Los Pajaros Studio

Carlos Jimenez attended the school of fine arts at the University of Guadalajara.
He is the Director of Centro Cultural Mexicano and the founder of Los Pajaros Studio Gallery in Redmond.
He is a professor of art, music, and dance.

Los Pajaros Studio

Anna Sturdivant - Love and Acrylics

I've always called myself crafty (even my students think of me this way).
I have dabbled in various types of art since I was little. In college I began to
paint again as a stress reliever and my first lazy susan was made as a gift to a friend.
I realized functional art was my calling and began painting lazy susans after getting the idea to sell them.
Add in the element of art, and I have the opportunity to make people smile.
My favorite part of what I get to do at RSM is meet someone who sees a lazy susan and knows EXACTLY who they are going to give it to.

Love and Acrylics

Hiromi Mason - MoonDance Pottery

MoonDance Pottery

Ellyn Johnson - Morning Dew Candles

We have been in business since 1995 based in Seattle. All of our Candles are made from a blend of paraffin & soy waxes, 100% cotton braided wicks, candle dyes & candle additives. We purchase scented fragrances which contain essential oils, that’s why they smell so good and burn longer than other candles. Personalized candles are available. Our Paint Can Lanterns are made from a 1-gallon paint can by hand-torching a pattern around the can. Each lantern is filled with scented wax, 4 wicks and lasts over 60 hours. Refill wax inserts available.

Morning Dew Candles

Risa Hiltermann - My Watercolors with Love

I continue to grow and wander through the fun and beauty only art can bring. Since taking up watercolor,
my painting style has emerged to be realistic and detailed. My favorite color is anything vivid and
I enjoy using bright, saturated colors to produce a rich image.

My work has been exhibited in local and regional shows.
I have been a member of Valley Arts United, South Hill Artists, and the Northwest Watercolor Society.

My Watercolors with Love

Chris Benavides - Oh Sew Much

My name is Chris Benavides and I have been a vendor at the Redmond Saturday Market for 20 plus great years. A few of my passions are designing, sewing and children and because I believe in stimulating a child's imagination I've created Superhero Capes and accessories, Tutus, Dinosaur Tails,Folding Play Mats and many other things. My corner booth at the Market has become a "child magnet" or as I call it "The Kids Corner"! I love what I do and hope that shows through in my creations plus I'm always looking for new ideas!

Oh Sew Much

Paula Gibbons - Paula's Soaps

Paula Gibbons has been a Redmond Saturday Market vendor since 1990! All of Paula's natural, gentle soaps-both bar and liquid alike-are still made in her home. The soaps provide a creamy, responsive lather, and both the liquids and bars last two to three times as long as commercial soaps. Each type has a carefully researched combination of emollients and scents. The ingredients are of the highest quality: olive, almond and coconut oils, true essential oils, etc. Paula maintains Paula's Soaps as an earth-friendly, home based business with the highest standards.

Paula's Soaps

Stephanie Ponder - Ponder Press

I'm a dabbler in all kinds of crafts, but most of what you'll see at the market is my jewelry.
I love bright colors and fun—almost kitschy—images and styles. Those preferences show up in what I make.

My preferred medium is resin. I especially adore seeing how it makes small images pop. I really enjoy mixing in
or layering different kinds of paints and glitter (always glitter!) with resin to see what kind of effects I get.

I also love a challenge, so if you have a special project in mind, I’d love to hear about it.

Ponder Press

Erika Somogyvari - Rainbow of the Heart

Rainbow of the Heart

Ravinder Bajwa - RAVK Studio

I am a ceramic artist with my studio in Redmond, WA, working mostly with porcelain,
also stoneware and terra-cotta. Colors inspire me - all hues and shades.

My pieces are either wheel-thrown or slab formed with extensive carving, etching, inlay-work. Everything is sealed with durable, non-toxic, food-safe glazes - microwave, dishwasher safe.

My goal is to bring vivid colors to my customers and for my work to infuse a little sense of play
everyday mundane tasks.

Thank you for visiting.

RAVK Studio

Gail Kirwan - Rockabella Bags

Rockabella Bags was excited to join the Redmond Saturday Market in 2015! After working as an engineer for 20 years, I left to start my own creative business. Rockabella Bags is the result of a years-long search for a laptop bag that would combine functionality with style. Finally I made my own - and the result was fabulous! Rockabella Bags was born. My signature material is vinyl laminated cotton fabric. It combines the personality of designer fabric prints with strength, durability, water resistance, and easy care. Perfect for bags of all kinds!

Rockabella Bags

Tito Pagan - SculptureSoap

We combine the art of sculpting organic forms with the science of making practical items from nontoxic materials for everyday living. Both adults and children can find a functional, artistic hand-made body soap that will delight and amuse their friends and family. We are a family owned and operated small business in Redmond Washington since 2014. To insure a unique gift giving or personal use experience every item is custom made from scratch and meticulously packaged for you.


Noey Hunt - Second Stitch Clothing

Second Stitch Clothing brings you fun, unique clothing items made from repurposed fabric. With few exceptions, my fabric has been acquired from thrift stores and donations for reuse. I individually design and construct each piece of clothing so you can have something to wear as unique as you! I have a large selection of kids tshirts and also kids dresses and skirts. For women, I have tshirts, skirts, and I take custom orders for dresses. Please stop by my booth to see a vibrant array of one of a kind items.

Second Stitch Clothing

Johny Ma - Shasta Images

Garden art has always been Amy's calling. She uses sheet metal and rods to create a bird on a branch using welding techniques.The resulting product is a dramatic, three dimensional, lively songbird. Each bird is beautifully finished with enamel paint which makes the brilliant artwork weather resistant. Amy's creativity is constantly evolving as she is always keeping her eyes open for new ideas. Stop by her booth, and you will be delighted by what you encounter.

Shasta Images

Sella and Linda Rush - Shi-Shi Design

We're a mom & daughter jewelry design team--eight years making jewelry together and going strong! We work mostly in natural stone & metal (copper, brass, & silver) to create one-of-a-kind works that are also comfortable and practical. Our style could be called eclectic, but is definitely distinctive. We also love to work with people on custom designs. Ask us about our designs for men. If you make jewelry, check out Sella's handmade metal components. Most weekends we'll bring our metal-working tools and demo some cold techniques--listen for the sound of hammering to find us in the market!

Shi-Shi Design

Serene Stambaugh - Sirenity Unlimited

My beaded flowers are perfect for gifts and special occasions as well as everyday décor. I make the flowers by hand with glass seed beads on wire. Every flower is unique and inspired by nature, and they will never wilt! There is no pollen or fragrance, so you don’t need to worry about allergies. I can cut individual stems to any length and assemble bouquets at the market. I also have assorted smaller items, such as hair accessories, pins, and butterflies. If you would like a custom design or something special for an event, please let me know.

Sirenity Unlimited

Taya Vercelli - Smashing Glass

Smashing Glass is an eclectic collection of found glass given new life in the Pacific Northwest garden! Taya Vercelli scours, collects, accepts, and discovers vintage and pressed glass from every source to create her whimsical garden art. Using only recycled glass elements, Taya is able to turn cast off unused glass and build beautiful garden totems and hanging glass art. Stop by and see what is new as every piece is unique and waiting for a home in your garden.

Smashing Glass

Rhonda Watts - Spirited Ambiance

I’ve lived in the Seattle area for over half of my life and I consider the Pacific Northwest home. I started Spirited Ambiance in 2015; I was tired of empty wine and beer bottles from local tasting rooms ending up in the recycle or dumpster and I’ve always loved candles. It was a natural fit to create soy wax candles from upcycled bottles. I love being a part of this vibrant community: participating in local farmers markets and artisan fairs, visiting and celebrating local craft beverage companies, and doing my part to protect and promote the beauty and sustainability of our region.

Spirited Ambiance

Stephanie Johnson - Stephanie's Art Inc.

Stephanie's Art Inc.

Steven Angelo - The Angelo Collection

The Angelo Collection

Nadia Kozoverova - Taintless Beauty

My name is Nadia and I am a wife, mom to 5 children and grandma to 9 beautiful grandkids. I wanted to create something that my family can use on a daily basis for their bodies, knowing it was created from the purest ingredients and from a heart of tremendous love for them. This is when Taintless Beauty came into existence. I created soaps and oils inspired by my childhood and family gardens, by my vacations with my kids and grandkids, by my overall organic life with my family. Please stop by my booth and enjoy my products.

Taintless Beauty

Susan Amira- Weinstein - Susan Amira Designs

Creating and making designs with fabric is my passion and joy. I am inspired by many things, particularly, the colors of the seasons: the clear bright colors of summer and winter and the warm tones of autumn. I am also drawn to the contrast of black and white geometric prints. One of my favorite design details is the use of cording or piping. I consider this design technique one of my signatures. My designs vary from casual to dressy using fabrics from cotton to silk to wool, and also home decor fabric. I offer quite a variety of items and accessories and enjoy making all of them myself. I hope you will find something for yourself that you will love or a special gift for someone.

Susan Amira Designs

Joyce Endrody - The Beekeeper's Secret

You might know Joyce Endrody of The Beekeeper's Secret best as "the bee lady" - she's one of our gems at market. Joyce has been at RSM since 1997! She brings a great assortment of delicious honey and those "kid favorite" honey sticks! Joyce also brings an array of all natural, fragrance-free skin care products made from olive oil and beeswax. You have to try her hand lotion cake-people all over North America are raving about it! With her always smiling face and that perfect English accent, you can't miss her in Booth #5

The Beekeeper's Secret

Duniel Murillo - The Crazy Greeting Card Lady

The Crazy Greeting Card Lady – Individually handmade greeting cards by local artisan Duniel Murillo. THE premier place to come for all your greeting card needs. The best selection of unique, locally handmade, greeting cards that you just won’t find anywhere else. If you have a special event or occasion – come see me! I offer a wonderful selection including 3-dimensional cards, quilled designs, photo cards, and Plantable Greetings! My Plantable Greetings are cards that you can plant and actually grow an exciting garden! Like my cards, my selection of Plantable Greetings is always growing. Shop my floral, herb, and vegetable designs!

The Crazy Greeting Card Lady

Bright Hauser - The Gem Garden

The Gem Garden was launched in 1999 by Seattle designer Bright Hauser and has introduced many Northwest women to the concept of wearing and buying jewelry for everyday . . . . not just special occasions. The Gem Garden is renowned for creating handcrafted, effortlessly chic jewelry that is modern yet timeless. Swarovski Crystals, Gem Stones, Sterling silver findings. Our amazing customers have kept our business growing for over 14 years, selling our wares at most local farmers markets and Art festivals from Seattle to Anacortes. After many years of being the best kept jewelry secret in Seattle….it is a pleasure to be in the running for a 3rd year in a row for the Best of the Northwest!

The Gem Garden

Mark and Ann Thorsteinson - Thorsteinson Woodworking

Thorsteinson Woodworking

Tiarani Samsi - Tiarani Studio

I am an artist focused on Pottery, Ceramics and Silk Scarves (Batik process). All my items are unique , one-of kind and hand made by me. I like making item that are unique, functional and whimsical; pieces that make me happy . I hope my work makes you happy too.

Tiarani Studio

Janet Barton - UKDK WA

The company has been in Washington State since 2009 and has added items to its inventory. We now have the Sling-it a portable item that allows you to be hands free when carrying your smaller dogs and cats. All of the items are completely machine washable it can also be used for babies, rabbits, weasels, groceries and even an oxygen tank for the elderly, some of these as shown on our website


Krista Jefferson - Wild & Whimsical

I think one of the most wonderful things about art is the ability to bring joy to those who see it. That motivates me to make my pieces unique, uplifting, and with a healthy dose of humor. One of the comments I hear most about my work is that it makes people feel happy just to look at it. Happiness is a simple, but powerful thing and I feel very fortunate knowing that I can bring a little more of it into the world!

Wild & Whimsical

Peter Sandvig - Woodinville Barrel Works

Woodinville Barrel Works
Food Producers

Darlene Ulsh - Baked Goods

Darlene has been at Redmond Saturday Market since 1994! And who hasn't sampled something sweet for her
booth-her treats are a market favorite! She makes a great variety of cookies, bars and pies-oh my!

Baked Goods

Rick & Sue MacDonald - Blue Stilly Coffee Roasters

Rick and Sue have a shared love for coffee - so much that one day they decided to learn as much as they could about it. The MacDonalds had already tried countless different varieties of coffee and ordered from many roasters. They decided to visit some of the local roasters and discovered that they loved the drum roasted coffee - it has much more depth and flavor. Soon it was time to give it a try on their own.

Blue Stilly Coffee Roasters

Dylan Randolph - Bonnie B's Peppers

Bonnie B's Peppers are the products born from a lifetime of LOVE. Using our Mom's recipes and name, we source all Local, Organic ingredients to create 3 unique, delicious Hungarian Wax Pepper sauces. "The PNW's newest condiment". You can taste the LOVE in every jar!

Bonnie B's Peppers

Ann Thompson - Cedar Spring Farm

Cedar Spring Farm Jams and Jellies are handcrafted in Anacortes in small batches with local fruits and berries sourced directly from farmers.

Cedar Spring Farm

Jane Rabay - Chez Jane Inc.

Chez Jane Inc.

Joe Malley - Fishing Vessel St. Jude

Fishing Vessel St. Jude

Leilani Chaco - Happy Camper Dips

Happy Camper reflects my passion for FLAVOR, FAMILY & GATHERING. My mission is to create products sourced from local farms and small businesses that use all natural ingredients. Our company strives to honor the earth as well as the relationships that people have with their food. Because of this, we are proud to never use any MSG, gluten or preservatives. Our ingredients are 100% vegetarian and our packaging is compostable & reusable. We are a grass roots Farmers Market business that crafts every blend in small batches out of Snohomish, WA.

Happy Camper Dips

Richard Holmquist - Holmquist Hazelnut Orchards

Our first orchard was established in 1928 when great, great grandfather John Holmquist planted our first orchard about 200 feet from the Canadian border. At that time we actually owned land that went into Canada, and had buildings that sat on the border. We now are Washington State’s largest grower and processor, shipping hazelnuts worldwide. Local restaurants include The Space Needle and Anthony’s. Grocery stores include Haggen’s, Top Foods, Whole Foods, Pcc and the Food Co-ops. Though we face some hurdles, we will continue to service the Pacific Northwest and beyond. If you have a hazelnut question, feel free to stop by and talk to me.

Holmquist Hazelnut Orchards

Jason Alm - Jonboy Caramels

Jonboy Caramels is an artisan confectionery company based in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, WA. In 2009, Jon Sue and Jason Alm came together with the idea of making the finest small batch caramels using the very best ingredients available. What started out as a side business soon became a full time endeavor. One of the aims of Jonboy Caramels is to use ingredients grown and produced close to home such as raspberry and blackberry juice from local berry farms and Pacific Absinthe. Those ingredients paired with local cream and butter, organic brown rice syrup (no corn syrup!) and organic cane sugar all come together to make the finest textured and tasting caramels out there.

Jonboy Caramels

Sara and Samuele Lucchese - Pasteria Lucchese

Samuele and Sara Lucchese create artisan pastas and sauces for you to enjoy at home.

Pasteria Lucchese

Renee Grant - Renee's Roca

Renee has lived in the Seattle area most of her life. She was a resident of Redmond for many years.
Currently she works as an Echo Sonographer in Everett and is looking forward to retirement someday with hopes to
supplement her income with this side business. “I have always had an entrepreneurial streak and am enjoyed stirring
up my creativity with something totally different. I have been making this candy for decades decided to take it to market.

Renee is joined by her son Jacob who is finishing up his degree in business and is her partner in Renee’s Roca.

Renee's Roca

Mike Samphire - SamFuego Foods

Samfuego Foods is owned and operated by Mike & Lynda Samphire and was excited to be joining the Redmond Saturday Market 2017. Michael is an inspired chef and creator of Super Wicked Twisted Salsas & Habitual Hot Sauces. His inspiration comes from a visit to Sedona and the discovery of Prickly Pear Cactus, which he incorporates in all products. Samfuego Foods products are plant based with no added sugars and locally processed at 21 acres in Woodinville. They have expanded their product line from 1 to 8 in the first year, offering a ton of flavor, variety and just enough heat.

SamFuego Foods

Roger & Suzanne Wechsler - Samish Bay Cheese

Samish Bay Cheese is owned and operated by Suzanne and Roger Wechsler. They make artisan farmstead cheeses using organic milk from their own cows. All of their milk, and only their milk, is used to make their cheese, yogurt, and kefir. They raise steers for beef and pigs for pork. Samish Bay Cheese is certified organic by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

Samish Bay Cheese

James Chang - Shen Zen Tea

Shen Zen Tea

Carl Rapp - Sunny Pine Farm

Sunny Pine Farm is a certified-organic dairy located up the Twisp River in the Methow Valley. We have a variety of goats, about half our herd being Guernsey Goats. We also have a small herd of Guernsey and Jersey cows. The farm produces a variety of certified-organic cheeses and yogurt.

Sunny Pine Farm

Jay Gordon - Wildflour Gluten Free Bakery

Artisan style baked goods hand crafted in small batches using the finest quality ingredients. We emphasize local & seasonal ingredients, and utilize local growers for products such as eggs, hazelnuts, lavender, herbs and produce. All of our products are produced in a dedicated gluten-free environment. Wildflour’s baked goods differ from other gluten-free products in that they have the taste and texture of traditional baked goods.

Wildflour Gluten Free Bakery

Gene Panida - Wilson Fish

Wilson Fish
Ready To Eat Foods

Kenneth Jackson - Jack’s Chicken and Ribs

Kenneth Jackson owner of Jack’s Chicken & Ribs BBQ, is a native of Texas. The love of grilling was born in a small town called Sherman. Kenneth’s father in-law “Mr. Leroy Chaffin” sparked the love of grilling in Kenneth’s heart over 25 years ago, as he taught him about the uniqueness of the BBQ skill. Upon moving to Washington Kenneth’s dream of Jacks Chicken and Ribs was born. Kenneth and his family also own “Suprema’s Deli” that’s located in the Factoria area.

Jack’s Chicken and Ribs

Sara and Samuele Lucchese - La Crespella

La Crespella

Leonard Johnson - Mystery Bay Coastal Cuisine

Our company, Mystery Bay Coastal Cuisine, was inspired by our family tidelands, nestled between the Straights of Juan de Fuca and the Pacific Ocean. For the past three generations, the cold water breeds healthy fish and shellfish – a luxury we found vital to share.

In 2003, we joined the amazing group of farmers markets along the Olympic Peninsula and Seattle area, serving wild-caught seafood and locally grown farmfare. Over the past 15 years, our catering company has grown and today our menu includes wild salmon, prawns and cod. Additionally, we make our own proprietary seafood chowder and Caribbean stew. Enjoy!

Mystery Bay Coastal Cuisine

Jim Hoagland - Paradise Ice

Paradise Ice is happy to bring a little bit of Hawaii to Redmond.

Stop by to enjoy one of our many flavors!

Paradise Ice

Mark Van Dyke - Pioneer Popcorn, Inc.

Pioneer Popcorn, Inc.

Khalil Akl - Simply Mediterranean LLC

Chef Khalil grew up in Lebanon with the authentic flavors of Levantine cuisine. Khalil’s uncle, a five-star restaurant owner, witnessed his passion for food and offered him a position as Sous Chef. Khalil later traveled to Paris to learn the fine art of crêpe-making from a famous crêpe chef. In 2008, Khalil moved to Seattle, and Simply Mediterranean was born. Khalil uses family recipes that have been guarded for generations, and the freshest ingredients to keep dishes simple and good for you. Khalil’s promise to you (and his mom) is that each meal be made with passion but not preservatives.

Simply Mediterranean LLC

Brianna Shaver - Toste

I am a pastry chef, small business owner, food blogger, struggling writer, but most importantly, I am an enormous lover of all things food. French toast was a staple in our household growing up and often in a breakfast-for-dinner scenario. The first time that sweet, syrupy, egg-laden bread made it onto my fork, it was true love and I've been perfecting my french toast recipe ever since. So, with an over the top, often embarrassing love of food, TÔSTE was born.


Kirke Smith - Wise Guy Dinner Club

Wise Guy Dinner Club